The vibrant city of Vienna, Austria, recently hosted the Second Transnational Partner Meeting of GAMEDUCATE, an Erasmus+ project focused on revolutionizing education through gamification and digital tools in schools.  

The meeting, held the 29th of November 2023, brought together GAMEDUCATE enthusiastic partners from all around Europe: CSI, from Cyrus; Akata Makata and University of Macedonia, from Greece; ÖJAB, from Austria; GEINNOVA, from Spain; OSENGO and CBE, from France; DRPDNM, from Slovenia; and CEIPES ETS, from Italy. 

Against the backdrop of Vienna’s rich cultural heritage, partners delved into the intricacies of the project. Throughout the event, they engaged in fruitful discussions about the management and implementation of the project, including the planification of the next steps to be taken.

Participants also shared fundamental insights regarding the modules developed by each of them for GAMEDUCATE’s curriculum: a tool aimed at helping teachers to improve their skills on the use of innovative learning approaches such as gamification and digital tools. Now that the curriculum is finished and feedback from teachers has been collected, the consortium is ready for creating the online toolkit and starting to organize the series of workshops. 

In conclusion, this transnational partner meeting has marked a significant step towards the project’s goal of transforming education through gamification and digital tools. The exchanges and collaborative efforts reaffirmed partners’ commitment with a future where learning is synonymous with excitement and innovation.